Tuesday, March 30, 2010

upgrade the bullshitometer and change the batteries in the dickhead detector

So its been a few days since I last blogged, I'm sorry about that. LOL I have been busy lately with packing up a few more things, and working.

Sunday was a steady kind of day at work, not too many people came in but every time I went to do something someone else would come in wanting a sandwich. O well, I guess, LOL =D I came home and baked some cookies with color frosting so they would be ready for Easter...well it turns out that in my house when I bake cookies...they are gone within a day or two! And on the other side...well lets just say I only got one cookie with green frosting...cuz it was the last one with green frosting on it LOL =D Sunday I just basically worked, came home baked, did some dishes after I was, and watched a movie called Riding in Cars with Boys with Drew Barrymore. One of the best movies of all time! =D

Monday Monday Monday...didn't do much fed the cat and dog, sat around watching The Singing Bee, helped my ma out a bit, talked on the phone with Chelsey for a bit, and basically yelled at a High School student for calling a friend of mine who found out she has cervical cancer now, white trash. Who would call someone that name? That makes me mad, that and the word Hooker, are just degrading to certain people in certain contexts. Then she had the nerve to turn around and add me on facebook, as people know I will actually look at your profile to see what that person has been up to lately if I haven't seen them. Well lo and behold her friend wrote on her wall and laughing at what her friend said about my friend...so I did read the comments and the girl that added me, also called me White Trash! I was like no way in God's name did you call me White trash and put it on your facebook, and then add me and I can see what you write...haha EPIC FAIL! If your gonna add someone as a friend on facebook then you might not want to write about them 7 hours before you add them as a friend on there! hahaha I do consider myself to be more classy then some of these "rednecks" around here. I am a big city girl and they are small town girls that are still in high school and don't know the meaning of "being out on their own." BTW I am still trying to think of something to say to her about calling me white trash, and I also reported them for saying that me and my friend were white trash.

Last night was kinda boring but the moon was really BRIGHT!!! LOL boy do I love the moon and stars this time of year...ok ok all year long I do =] I guess the moon is supposed to be different colors tonight.

haha just had a good laugh with my bro's girlfriend Chelsey. I asked her if she wanted a cookie before they were all gone and she said yes...so I told her to get her butt in the kitchen and get one. She took one and started eating it and she said yummy =D and out of the blue I said "Thats what she said!" hahahaha =D wow, haha must be in a good enough mood to say that!


MoonNStarMommy said...

LOL - I loved the moon last night too, couldn't stop watching it :D

Ashley said...

me either! it was just so pretty =D and tonight i guess its supposed to look like a rainbow =D