Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome to...

Well we made it here safe and sound...considering there was a snow storm on the pass in WA on the way here.
Our trip started on Saturday May 1st, May day, and we got off to a late start, by then everyone was getting cranky and irate. Once we got on the road it was all better, the boys went ahead to the first rest stop and us girls and the babies, and Noah went to get a few things, and then headed towards the boys. All was good stopped a few times to pee and what not, and headed back on the road....right through Minnesota onto North Dakota.
The weather was bipolar as we called was sunny sometimes, and then would head right into rain, as you can tell by the picture above. Then when we hit around our first stop in Dickenson, we kinda hit snow...

The next day we left with some snow on the ground headed towards Butte, Montana. Annissa said that Montana felt like it took years to get through, which it did considering how long the state really is from Idaho to North Dakota. Montana was pretty when you hit the left side of the state looking on a map, but otherwise it looked okay. LOL =] Butte was amazing, still trying to figure out the red tepee looking things that were around the city. The next day after our stay in Butte, we headed towards Bremerton, Washington. Oh, and BTW, most the time we did get pictures was in the day, and most the time we drove was at night, or into the night, so that is why there aren't many pictures of Minnesota or Washington on my FB page. But, anyways, the drive was amazing, and beautiful at times, when it wasn't snowing or raining. LOL =D Most the time we were in WA driving there, we were in the I couldn't get pictures of Seattle =[ O well, there are going to be plenty of opportunities to go over the sound and visit Seattle, or Tacoma or where ever else.

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