Thursday, March 25, 2010


Ugh, what a day! Started off the day with balancing my mom's check book like normal...went off to the bank, and then to Stockton to get us some McDonalds. YUMMY =] Boy did the lady there get my order sooo wrong lol. I went through the drive thru like normal right, well I said I wanted 2 snack wraps...well she put it on the thing as 2 mac wraps, I was like I said I wanted 2 ranch snack wraps, and she kept getting it all wrong. I was getting mad through the whole time she kept asking "is that all?" does it look like I was finished ordering when you rudely interupted? umm, no! lol got my food, and came home, ate, then started going through things I did not want anymore...4 totes and 2 hours later...I got rid of somethings but...I have more to go through! lol

Well, I went into work for an hour or so today, since my co-workers clothes weren't dry, which is fine with me. Did what I needed to till she got there, came home and waited till my friend got here. We decided to watch "The Blind Side" tonight. GREAT movie if you haven't seen it =] Well, we didn't "click." He has liked me for years on end...well I told him that I could give it a shot and try and see if it works out. It didn't and I don't know how to tell him that. Oh, well, I'm moving in a few weeks to Wisconsin, and bringing my "little girl" Mischa along.
Mischa...what can I say about her...well...She was found out on a farm, nearly dead, and no big cry. My brother's friend brought her to our house and I fell in love! I went back to work that night and bought her food, and toys (like they needed more but oh well). After a few months she became a gramma's girl, sleeping with her and grampa at night and being an Ashley's girl thru the day. After my parents sold the old house and moved into the one we are in now, she became my cat! She knows her name and def loves to be called Mischa Ann! She is spoiled sometimes but what can I say, I spoil her and so does her gramma =]

I love my life here, but living in a small town for 5 years really takes a toll out on a city girl! I never really fitted in here in a small town, and glad to be going back to my roots for a few weeks, before I go and start my life in a different state, and city. I'm a city girl like no other! I love the country at points but I love the sound of traffic, and people, and being able to get the store that is 5 min away rather than having to drive a half hour to Wal-Mart, or to a restaurant...well at least a decent one like applebees or sonic!

Well tomorrow is another day and another story to come =]

1 comment:

MoonNStarMommy said...

She's adorable, course I already told you that. :) I haven't watched The Blind Side yet but I plan to...